Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Yearning For More

As I was finally unpacking from my trip home for Christmas, and cleaning up my apartment, I had the IHOP (International House of Prayer in Kansas City) Conference broadcasting live online. The theme this year is focusing on teaching about and being prepared for the end times... a vital area of my Christian life I need and want to understand more. I took an hour to read Mike Bickle's notes on the signs of the end times and said to myself, "Why has this part slipped through the cracks with me? It's the entire purpose of why I love and live the way I do!" I was shocked at how much I forgot.

Hearing Mike Bickle, Lou Engle, Allen Hood, and the rest of these apostolic leaders and prophets in the church STIRS me. I want more. I want to go deeper in the Word, reach higher, and learn more. My soul and body tremble at the thought of knowing God at even a fuller capacity. My bones need more worship and more fellowship. I've only been out of Bible Classes for five months, but my mind and mouth are parched; I'm thirsty for deep knowledge and teaching again.

Lord, you are birthing a monumental movement I know you are calling me to be a part of. Baptize me afresh with your love. Saturate me with an outpouring of the Kingdom of Heaven. Teacher, give me more wisdom, insight and understanding into your Word. Let me learn from Your examples and receive teaching from Your Holy Spirit. Surround me with godly teachers, who can hear your heartbeat and know how to access heaven on earth. Bring mentors into my life for me to learn and grow from. Provide me with more prophetic training and give me opportunities to continue exercising my gifts. I ask for more discernment. Help me to always stay sensitive to your Spirit. Holy Teacher YOU are who I adore. YOU are who I desire to mirror. Continue leading and guiding me into the depths of Your heart. I hear You whispering, I feel you carrying me and I trust your guidance. May I walk in obedience to your calling for my life, and stay surrendered to Your will at all times. May I resist temptation to remain stagnant, and walk faithfully. May my heart remain knitted deeply with yours. I love you, Abba.

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