Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

"25" Random Things about Mwa

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.(To do this, go to "notes" on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the righthand corner of the app) and then click publish.)

1. I buy a loaf of bread just to feed the ducks.

2. I love to learn. I'm like a sponge!

3. My love language is Quality Time (so invite me to hang out!!! but don't call often, I'm not a phone person... but am certainly trying to be).

4. I got kicked out of high school band and was abhorred by the entire band my junior year of high school because I made a website that publically exposed the bus sin of my band members (I didn't like hearing/seeing them making babies a seat behind me) and made fun of them (I was a bully when I wasn't being bullied)

5. I drink my coffee 1/2 caf, 1/2 decaf.

6. Backpacking Europe is something I hope to do within the next 5 years.

7. I was fired from my first job as a shoe salesman at JCPenney because I marked down a pair of shoes I planned to buy (my co-worker told me it was okay!!! .....I might add that I was 15)

8. Call me and invite me for a crazy adventure, and I'll likely drop everything to join you.

9. People are my passion; particularly children. My heart melts at the sight of a child.

10. I've had every haircut and haircolor imaginable, from a bull cut/short, spiky punk cut to long hair, to going red/black/brown and I was completely blonde for a few years.

11. I once repented to God of my sin for flushing my hermit crab down the toilet. He was already dead but I thought I was sending him "into the depths of hell". We had a burial service in my back yard for the next little guy.

12. I'm not passionate about cooking or baking, in fact I dread it.

13. I pierced my own nose when I was in 8th grade. It hurt.

14. My ideal bed time is 9-10pm and wake up time 5am... I've ALWAYS been that way.

15. Laughter is my release from frustration, and I often end up laughing at myself DURING my frustration.

16. My only fear is swimming too far in the ocean (had a bad experience and only go in to my waist)... but I'm willing to get past it if someone would stand with me!

17. My natural temperature is 95 degrees, I swear. (translation: I am always hot and rarely wear sweaters)

18. The only problem I have with bugs is that I stare at them with a papertowel in my hand and can't smoosh them for like 15 minutes. Stomp on them, NO PROBLEM, but feel their texture, BIG PROBLEM.

19. I honestly don't remember the last time I was mad--irritable and frustrated are more the words that describe my "other" half.

20. The first and last time I ate shrimp was when I was 8 and threw up... the thought of eating seafood still makes me sick to my stomach (other than a few types of fish), but I am always open to trying it again. ....possibly.

21. I am an intercessor and find myself becoming more passionate for God and people every day.

22. I see things in pictures and am very much a visual learner.

23. I'm not yet a football fan because I didn't grow up in a "football family" and have never fully understood the game because every time I watch it with people they're too "in it" to explain it to me... yet I've always wanted to date a football player because I think they're sexy haha. Help me understand that one?

24. Anything relating to the country brings me fulfillment (I grew up in the country) and so much joy.

25. I discern a lot more than I share, but have a terrible time reading certain people. And that bothers me.

26. I give 110% in everything I do and am known to be a "go-getter, nothing will stop her, determined" woman.

27. I've always been a saver and for three years have had a special fund building for my big day.

28. I have a REALLY bad memory. As much as I want to remember certain things sometimes I can't, and if I meet you for the first time, unfortunately I will probably ask you your name five times before remembering it.

And 29. I like confrontation.. PLEASE don't beat around the bush with me, I want the truth straight up and right away.

Must say 30. Bring blankets when you come to my house--it always stays at 63 degrees and under.

Can't forget 31. I'm a multiplier!!! If you ask for 25 I'll give you 30. If you ask for 30 I'll give you 40. Not always a good thing, though!

Last one, I promise: 32. I am very descriptive, love to share stories, and have a hard time limiting my words =)

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