Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Interceeding for Mongolia

What a tremendous season I am in. I gotta tell ya, I have received more revelation, teaching, insight and understanding into my Father, His Word and Ways more than I ever thought was possible in two and a half months! The growth I've experienced is infathomable to me.

Tonight, Team Mongolia intentionally gathered for some fellowship and night of intercession for Mongolia. Besides loving and feeling so incredibly connected to my team, I had an expected yet unexpected slam of the Holy Spirit and it was inCREDible! I was sitting in a chair praying in the Spirit when I began to feel warm and actually numb in my hands. I heard the Lord tell me to lay my hands on the map of Mongolia that was layed out. So I got up, layed my hands on the map and all of a sudden my mouth went crazy! I knew I wasn't the one activating the intercession, I couldn't have been (for reasons I will not go into now). Later, it occurred to me that I had never heard myself pray in tongues in that language-- it was completely different than what I'm used to. And it didn't stop-- I must have prayed in this new tongue for 15 minutes straight.

I also had a powerful vision of a butterfly and shared an extended word I believe the Lord was speaking to me. It had a domino effect and our team went crazy praying for Mongolia. Even when I was praying I knew it was the Father opening my mouth; I was feeling pretty weak and tired and wouldn't have even had the strength to muster up those intimate prayers. And prophetically, my mind was FLOODED with pictures! I couldn't get them out! I kept seeing animals and bushes and people and situations. My journal didn't get to my hands fast enough! I just experienced an OVERFLOW of the Spirit of God and it was truly marvelous.

A few of us fasted and were really seeking God for what to pray over Mongolia. At the beginning of worship my first words were "Come Holy Spirit". Isn't it funny that when you ask you truly do receive? :) I wonder if we sometimes don't fully believe the power Jesus intended in that verse.... anyway, I am incredibly encouraged and edified and I know everyone else is, too. Thank you, Papa!

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