Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Monday, September 1, 2008

Seasons come and go, but God's love is steadfast

Have you ever noticed that people are in our lives for a season? As much as we promise our best friend who moved across country that we'll never loose touch, inevitably, it happens. But even distance isn't the only reason we loose touch with our loved ones. Sometimes it's in God's will for us to surrender our relationships because He needs to use us in someone else's life, and the others need to be used to reach those around them. If you'll stretch yourself to think about this, I believe God sometimes removes people from your life because you've idolized them and it's become too unhealthy spiritually, physically, or both.

The Bible says there is a time and season for everything under the sun, and we need to learn to be okay with that. We need to learn to let go. The relationships in our lives are gifts from our Heavenly Father. He gives and takes away, and He can do that because He's God. He knows what's best for us and who we need in our lives during each season.

When someone close to you is transitioning, or even moves away, and you fear that you'll loose touch, seek God's heart first to make sure He even wants you in that person's life anymore, at the same level of relationship. You have to remember that yourr connections with believers are always eternal, so you'll see them again in Heaven, but God may choose to separate you and your loved one for a period of time, or even the rest of the time on Earth. That doesn't mean your memories stop, or that you can't stop by the new place if you're in the area, or even that God has rejected you. It just means that God knows you better than you know yourself and had you in close relationship with a special person for a season that is now overdue.

I've heard God tell me He wants me to support my loved one's transition in any way I can, and it wasn't until weeks later that He revealed His plan for the relationship to me. I still talk with my old church family in Pennsylvania and communicate with them from time to time, but they are not my primary family anymore--my new church in Virginia Beach is. I was spiritually nourished, encouraged and developed in that church, but it was time to move on to something greater God had for me. When I lost those close relationships in Pennsylvania, Abba immediately brought the right people into my life in Virginia Beach. You have to understand that if He takes you out of a season, there's always a new one awaiting you. Remember that as believers, we are created to be in community with one another, so if you find you're not building relationships as soon as you thought, don't wait around for people to invite themselves into your life. Be intentional about spending time with people who can teach and edify you.

I've realized recently that God is stripping me of those who were in my life for a season. For the longest time I've been trying to figure out why a lot of people in my life disappeared and seemed to have "backed out on me". God revealed to me that they were in my life for a season--and that season is overdue. Recently, I've been noticing that I'm around an entirely different group of people than I've been this past year. New people came into my life, and I'm growing and developing even more with them. Sure I miss my old friends here, a lot actually, but if we aren't as close as we used to be it's probably either because life just got too busy and we neglected our relationship, or they were just in my life for a season.

If you're hurting and feel like you've been forgotten, neglected and denied by those you love because of seasons in their life, remember that it's likely just as hard for them as it is for you to let go. You may feel like you mean nothing to those you adore for a time, but you must remember that you mean EVERYTHING to Someone who has promised to never leave you. Use that time to make Him your everything!

Whatever the case, you have to trust that God brings people into your life for a reason and a season. If there's something He needs to get across to you through someone who's surrendered, He'll cross your paths. Same goes for those in your life God has entrusted you to minister to and spend quality time with. He doesn't just use your current relationships; there are ones awaiting you that you have no idea about just yet. Embrace the seasons in your life, and remember what God has worked in and through you in those seasons. Learn to be satisfied in Christ alone if God chooses to keep you in a "dry" season for a short time. Like John Piper said, God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him :)

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