Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Monday, June 18, 2007


For most of you, today was like any other beautiful day - filled with an array of beaming sunlight, transparent air and peacefully, bright blue skies. Easily, it became another day to take a walk, swing with your child in the park, or play a game of mini golf. But for me, not only was the day filled with beauty by the glorious sunshine and clear, blue sky, but also with a sparked spirit, sense of refreshment, and reassurance of personal beauty. Today was a breath of fresh air, a breeze of new experiences, and a wind of graceful, purpose-filled interactions. Somehow, Today touched my soul in a way I completely expected, yet managed to dilute.

The day started bright and early, with my arising at 5am. Shortly after 7am I arrived on base, at the Special Olympics field, where hundreds of Athletes were expected to have a day filled with Track and Field events, Swimming and Bowling. As the morning progressed, I anxiously awaited to be partnered with my Athlete pondering questions like, who will it be? Will I have a man or a woman? Will he or she be short or tall? One thing was for certain, though, this wasn't about me. This day was a learning opportunity. It was about closing the eyes on myself and opening them to my new friend.As I waited, I looked around to see dozens of buddies inching closer to the Athlete Registration areas, eagerly awaiting the arrival of their Athletes. A compacted group of buddies chose "Track and Field" athletes, including myself, which were becoming more limited as the final buddies arrived. The fight was on - who would get the next 'Track and Field' Athlete? Not one who typically acts aggressively to be first in line, I abruptly decided this was a legitimate excuse to push ahead! I wasn't about to wait any longer! I wanted to meet the person God wanted me to! After hearing the call for another Track and Field buddy, I quickly ran to the front to meet my long awaited Athlete. Her name? Barbara Jo Thomas.

She was an extraordinary woman from our first encounter, if I'd ever seen one. All geared up for her big day: bags in hand, attitude in check, and smile on. You could have picked her out a mile away. That warm, tender smile and sweet greeting of a kiss, with a minute flavor of sass was enough to melt you on the spot. Saying hello to nearly every one we passed and dancing her way back to the photo center for our first personal picture together, Barbara Jo was beginning to leave her footprint in my heart.

After every buddy was paired with an Athlete, we all wentoutside to begin our "warm-up", including arm and leg exercises, with a twist of light dancing. The next event was the opening ceremony, starting with a parade of buddies and Athletes. Excitement ripped through the surrounding crowd as all who participated were smiling, waving and yelling, "Yaaaayyy!" After the parade was over and opening ceremonies came to an end, each buddy and Athlete were designated to theirareas of interest: Track and Field (On Base), Swimming (at Messiah college), or Bowling (at Trindle Bowl).Barbara Jo and I were Track and Field partners, so we made our way to the field almost immediately, which included the Softball Throw and a 50 and 100-meter dash and/or walk. During our walk and talk, I noticed Barbara liked to dance. Our walk quickly became our dance, as we soon ended up making our way to the dance floor (the parking lot), where a DJ was playing Oldies music including the Locomotion, the Greasesoundtrack, famous hits from Aretha Franklin and even a few country hits. Barbara's and my dancing soon turned into a sea of dancing stars, with new Athletes and their buddies joining in on the fun. We even did well-known dances like The Electric Slide, The Macarena, and the Cha-Cha.

Soon enough, although never soon enough for Barbara, lunch time arrived! An alluring display of hot dogs, hamburgers, pork, chicken, fruit, chips and much more were available for the taking. Barbara couldn't wait for her favorite part of the day because it was then that she could indulge in all of her favorite foods. Her favorite weakness? Bread! What a coincidence- mine, too!

A few more minor events occurred after lunch and before we all knew it, the day was coming to an end. Closing ceremonies started around 2:45pm and everyone watched as our new friend, Ken, walked down the isle to light the final torch of the day. Tears were beginning to shed and once smiling faces were now frowning. The fun had ended. New friendships would have to only be remembered. Another year until they'd get to see a familiar face, meet a new friend, and perhaps try something new. The heartache of waiting seemed too overwhelming to bear. Their big day was over.

In addition to Barbara, there were two other very special people I was connected with today. These truly were two divine connections.
First, is a dear, 4-yr old boy named Trevor. While I was sitting in the grass talking with Barbara, I was nearly knocked over by this energetic, bright and cheerful boy, whom I've never met before. He ran into me and then decided to sit on my lap. As I hugged him and asked him his name I almost had to gasp for breath, because as I looked at him I realized he was captured by my facial features - to him, a new face equals a new phenomenon. His beautiful, sparkling eyes instantly spoke to my heart, and while I stared at him for what was left of that moment, he gently leaned over and whispered in my ear "I love you." Soon after, he said that I was his new best friend and he wanted to play with me. Not long after that, he told me he wanted me to wear his metal, because I've done a good job and I am a "winner."
Most people would just say, "Oh, how cute." But for me, it was way beyond that. At the time, I knew something had just happened, beyond anything of my own understanding, but I didn't have all the pieces together. Later, as I thought about it, something drastically occurred to me.Isn't this the very character of our own Heavenly Father? He purposefully and often times, unexpectedly, runs into our lives, pursues us, expresses his love for us, and invites us to spend time with Him. Along side of that, He encourages us with words of life and richly rewards us. Hmm. What a creative way for God to tell me He loved me today. What a way for Him to personally invite me, His Beloved Daughter Kellie, to spend the afternoon with Him and to tell me He's pleased with me. But, here's what strikes my mind the most. God spoke to me when I least expected it, in a way I could have totally missed, had I not reflected on these divine connections Today. And even more amazing: Who was His divine instrument in bringing this word for me? A child. Somehow, just somehow, this divine connection with Trevor reminded me of my personal beauty to my Daddy. I must be, have to be, a real treasure in His eyes for Him to speak to me this way. Wow.

The other person I met Today is Jordan and he is a 29-year old male Athlete who loves to dance. This young man's spirit contagiously infected mine and while he was dancing during lunch I found myself enjoying him with an utmost respect that I couldn't quite figure out. He was the only one dancing and there wasn't a thing anyone could do to stop him. Without a single care in the world his joy-filled spirit carried him, song after song. He jumped, did cart-wheels, danced and sang all by himself, in front of hundreds of people. I thought to myself, when did we ever become mindful of opinion, and why? When did our concern for acceptance from other people become prioritized over our freedom? Why do we intently focus on the eyes of acceptance? More so, why do we allow those other eyes to direct our steps? It's a tragic loss to society when judgment from other people stops our spirit from its fashioned purpose. Our own, personal joy and individuality become compromised and the joy and individuality of others around us is robbed. I couldn't help but think, what are we truly afraid of?

Dancing with my new friends earlier in the day allowed me to peek inside their souls and see through the window of pure happiness. Happiness that is clearly palpable. Several valuable lessons were learned Today, but one most striking and poignantly evident is the notion of expression and the magnetic link it has to others. I learned that individuality is, by far, the greatest gift of a trait I could ever receive. Through it, everything else comes to pass in its own unique way. I was also renewed with the understanding of freedom. Experiencing the meaning of true liberty through expression teaches me how vitally important it is to remain who I am - first for God, and then for others.Perhaps the most peaceful and comforting gift I received from the entire event was resting assured that the Spirit of God Almighty Himself was present. I watched His radiance gleam off the faces of my new friends and His Spirit freely flowing through their bodies. As I watched them dance I began to silently thank Him for the wonderful opportunity to be a part of His Kingdom, and a tear gently rolled down my face - I thought, how is it that the God of all the Earth could teach me so many valuable, life-changing lessons at age 22? I couldn't help but feel sorry for those who couldn't become part of Today. Although Barbara didn't seem to understand this was it, we'd never see each other again, and I was just another person who walked into her life and quickly walked out, no doubts remain in my mind that Today was a day filled with blessing for her. Her Daddy opened all the doors and purposefully, planned a divine connection. Maybe she won't remember Today tomorrow, next week, or next year, but Today was a day of opportunity. An abundant day of grace, joy, and peace. In essence, a day of true love showered on us all. It was a day I'll never forget. This,indeed, was a day that the Lord has made! Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

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