Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Things are looking up!

God has proved Himself faithful yet again!

I started to get really concerned about the fact that my pot of money is about to run out, and as hard as it was, I just kept telling myself that my God would take care of me. (I love how making yourself praise Him builds your faith.. it's absolutely beautiful) With every last breath I had, I was speaking in faith that He is more than my rock, refuge and shelter; He is my provider. He knew I really did not want to tap into my "marriage/college" fund ;)

Found three checks in the mail... they will hold me over for another month until I get a job :) Thank-you, Daddy!

And, so many people have been offering to buy or make me a meal (particularly guys... I guess all you have to do to get a guy to ask you out is proclaim your poorness haha). I haven't had to buy groceries for a few weeks--THAT is a miracle considering I go to the store every week! It's really incredible! Lelia prayed over me a few weeks ago asking God to burden people to provide meals for me--I think He answered ;)

Seriously, do we REALLY have reason to doubt our God? No, we don't. He promises to be faithful, ALL the time. And He is!

My buddy, Jonathan, took me out for dinner, a night of "pirate" put-put at the oceanfront and a stroll along the beach last night. I really needed it. Could I ask for better friends?!?!

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